private static void DisplayMatches( IEnumerable<FileNameGroup> filesGroupedByName) { var groupsWithMoreThanOneFile = from nameGroup in filesGroupedByName where nameGroup.FilesWithThisName.Count > 1 select nameGroup; foreach (var fileNameGroup in groupsWithMoreThanOneFile) { // Group the matches by the file size, then select those // with more than 1 file of that size. var matchesBySize = from file in fileNameGroup.FilesWithThisName group file by file.FileSize into sizeGroup where sizeGroup.Count() > 1 select sizeGroup; foreach (var matchedBySize in matchesBySize) { string fileNameAndSize = string.Format("{0} ({1} bytes)", fileNameGroup.FileNameWithoutPath, matchedBySize.Key); WriteWithUnderlines(fileNameAndSize); // Show each of the directories containing this file foreach (var file in matchedBySize) { Console.WriteLine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file.FilePath)); } Console.WriteLine(); }

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Calling updateImages takes care of that Listing 13-9 Three simple slots void ImageDialog::nextClicked() { currentImage = (currentImage+1) % imageIdscount(); updateCurrentImage(); } uipreviousButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(previousClicked()) ); uinextButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(nextClicked()) ); uiaddTagButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addTagClicked()) ); uiaddImageButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addImageClicked()) ); uitagList, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(tagsChanged()) );.



private static void WriteWithUnderlines(string text) { Console.WriteLine(text); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', text.Length)); }

We start with a LINQ query that looks for the filenames that crop up in more than one folder, because those are the only candidates for being duplicates. We iterate through

void ImageDialog::previousClicked() { currentImage --; if( currentImage == -1 ) currentImage = imageIds.count()-1; updateCurrentImage(); } void ImageDialog::tagsChanged() { updateImages(); } The next slot, addTagClicked, can be seen in Listing 13-10. The slot is invoked when the user wants to add a tag to the current image. The slot starts by asking the user for a tag by showing a QInputDialog. If the user specifies a string, the text entered is converted to lowercase and is checked so that it meets the standards for a tag. In this case, that means that it consists of only the characters a z. No spaces, no special characters, no umlauts or other local characters; just a z. The actual check is performed using a regular expression. If the text is found to be an actual tag, ask the ImageCollection object images to add the tag to the current image. When the tag has been added, you need to update the tag list and call updateTags. Listing 13-10. Adding a tag to the current image void ImageDialog::addTagClicked() { bool ok; QString tag = QInputDialog::getText( this, tr("Image Book"), tr("Tag:"), QLineEdit::Normal, QString(), &ok ); if( ok ) { tag = tag.toLower(); QRegExp re( "[a-z]+" ); if( re.exactMatch(tag)) { QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Image Book"), tr("This is not a valid tag. " "Tags consists of lower case characters a-z.") ); return; }

each such name with a foreach loop. Inside that loop, we run another LINQ query that groups the files of that name by size see the first emphasized lines in Example 11-9. If InspectDirectories discovered three files called Program.cs, for example, and two of them were 278 bytes long while the other was 894 bytes long, this group clause would separate those three files into two groups. The where clause in the same query removes any groups that contain only one file. So the matchesBySize variable refers to a query that returns a group for each set of two or more files that have the same size (and because we re inside a loop that iterates through the names, we already know they have the same name). Those are our duplicate candidates. We then write out the filename and size (and an underline separator of the same length). Finally, we write out each file location containing candidate matches using Path.GetDirectoryName. If we compile and run that lot, we ll see the following output:

As you can see in Figure 9-1, these elements have opacities 0.2 and 0.5. So how do you achieve this Let s take a look at the code; first, here is the HTML that defines the elements: <div id="Description"> <div id="DragHandle">Drag by clicking on this element</div> <div style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;">Pane 1</div> HTML For Pane 1. This is set to opacity 0.2</div> <div id="Description2"> <div id="DragHandle2">Drag by clicking on this element</div> <div style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;">Pane 2</div> HTML For Pane 2. This is set to opacity 0.5</div> You need to make sure Atlas loads the AtlasUIGlitz library. You do this using a ScriptReference control. In this case, the code is referencing the AtlasUIGlitz library as well as the drag-and-drop library (called AtlasUIDragDrop), which will be used a little later in this chapter. <atlas:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="ScriptManager1"> <Scripts> <atlas:ScriptReference ScriptName="AtlasUIDragDrop" /> <atlas:ScriptReference ScriptName="AtlasUIGlitz" /> </Scripts> </atlas:ScriptManager> This is the Atlas Script that builds the application from this HTML: <page xmlns:script=""> <components> <control targetElement="DragHandle" cssClass="draghandle" /> <control targetElement="Description" cssClass="floatwindow"> <behaviors> <floatingBehavior handle="DragHandle"> </floatingBehavior> <opacity value="0.2"> </opacity> </behaviors> </control> <control targetElement="DragHandle2" cssClass="draghandle" /> <control targetElement="Description2" cssClass="floatwindow"> <behaviors> <floatingBehavior handle="DragHandle2"> </floatingBehavior> <opacity value="0.5"> </opacity>

Find duplicate files ==================== Looks for possible duplicate files in one or more directories Usage: findduplicatefiles [/sub] DirectoryName [DirectoryName] ... /sub - recurse into subdirectories

We haven t given it anywhere to look! How are we going to test our application Well, we could provide it with some command-line parameters. If you open the project properties and switch to the Debug tab, you ll see a place where you can add commandline arguments (see Figure 11-1).

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